IP Address
1000 GB SSD Storage
Unlimited Traffic
48 GB Memory
Worker Node
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Container Orchestration

LKS excels at orchestrating containers. It can automatically deploy containers to a cluster of machines, handle failures, and scale applications as needed.

Microservices Architecture

LKS supports the microservices architectural style, allowing you to break down monolithic applications into smaller, manageable services that can be independently developed, deployed, and scaled.


LKS enables you to scale your applications up or down based on demand. It can automatically adjust the number of running containers to handle varying workloads, ensuring that your applications are always responsive and available.

Load Balancing

LKS provides built-in load balancing for distributing network traffic across multiple instances of an application. It also offers service discovery mechanisms, allowing containers to find and communicate with each other easily.

Rolling Updates and Rollbacks

LKS enables you to scale your applications up or down based on demand. It can automatically adjust the number of running containers to handle varying workloads, ensuring that your applications are always responsive and available.

Resource Utilization and Optimization

LKS helps optimize resource usage by packing containers efficiently onto nodes, ensuring that resources such as CPU and memory are used effectively.


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